Technology Field 1 (TF1) focuses on the supply of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen by ensuring the construction of large-scale electrolyser capacities within or near several important European industrial centres and in port areas, mainly powered by renewable energy. The projects included in this TF are consistent with the priorities of the TEN-E Guidelines, and will facilitate the emergence of the future integrated hydrogen infrastructure or backbone. The activities considered in TF1 are expected to contribute towards the following overarching objectives:

  • Creating approximately 3.5 gigawatt ("GW") of new electrolyser capacity, located in important Union industrial centres and in port areas, resulting in an output of approximately 340 000 tonnes of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen per year;
  • Delivering greenhouse gas ("GHG") emission avoidance, both directly (in the generation of hydrogen via electrolysis compared to the conventional method based on fossil fuels) and indirectly (in the use of the renewable and low-carbon hydrogen by end-users in different industrial, mobility and energy sectors);
  • Connecting newly built renewable energy sources ("RES"), especially offshore wind and solar, thereby increasing the overall capacity of renewable energy in the EEA;
  • Connecting to and contributing to an emerging integrated hydrogen infrastructure or backbone, in compliance with applicable Union and national law on hydrogen infrastructure; and
  • Integrating innovative traceability system for certifying renewable hydrogen in accordance with applicable Union legislation.

Under TF1 the following projects are taking place: