EDP - Asturias H2 Valley (ES48)
The project Asturias H2 Valley is executed by the company H2 ABOÑO, S.A. managed by EDP Group.
EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. is a multinational, vertically integrated utility company. Throughout over 40 years of history, it has been building a relevant presence in the world energy scene, being present in almost 30 countries. EDP Renewables (EDPR) is EDP’s subsidiary for the renewable business.
The main objective of the phase of the project ASTURIAS H2 VALLEY that is under the IPCEI label is developing an electrolysis plant (100 MW) to produce and supply renewable hydrogen with electricity supply from renewable power plants (wind onshore and solar) to local offtakers, including a refuelling station, located in the town of Aboño, municipalities of Carreño and Gijón (Asturias, Spain). The project Asturias H2 Valley will be located at Aboño Thermal Power Plant site, owned by EDP.
As of June 2023, the main achievements are the finalization of the basic engineering, the ongoing environmental processing and the obtention of grid connection permits.
The project will be a first phase that would start operating by the end of 2025 of an envisaged large scale H2 hub in the site with the potential of more than 500 MW (second phase). EDP has an ambition of developing 1 GW of electrolysis in the region of Asturias by 2030, if market conditions are favourable, split between Aboño H2 hub (project Asturias H2 Valley, 500MW electrolysis) and the future Soto H2 hub (500MW electrolysis in the site of EDP’s thermal power plant of Soto de Ribera, 40 km away from Aboño). The project is also candidate to be become a Project of Common Interest (PCI)
Contact person: Jose Manuel Perez Rodriguez, via josemanuel.perezrodriguez@edp.com