June 28th 2024

Master's Degree in Hydrogen Technologies

Type of training: Master
Name of the Organisation: Universitat Rovira i Virgili| Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya| Universidad de Zaragoza| Universidad de Mondragón| Universidad del País Vasco| en cooperación con cinco centros de formación profesional
Location of the organisation: Bilbao , Zaragoza ,Tarragona , Barcelona
Language(s): Spanish
Is the programme entirely focused on hydrogen and/or fuel cells: Yes
Focus of the training: Basic electrochemistry, H2 Production, H2 Storage, Transport and Distribution, H2 End-uses: transport, H2 End-uses: energy, power generation, H2 End-uses: buildings, H2 End-uses: industry, Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards, Life-Cycle Assessment, eco-design, recycling, Techno-economic evaluation
How is training taught?: Hybrid / Both options possible
Materials / Infrastructures:Activities in physical labs
Duration of the training: Between six month and a year
Is the programme complimentary?: Yes
If the programme is not complementary, how much does it cost?: 8600 Euros (total)
Course title: I Hydrogen market II Basic knowledge III Generation of the H2 IV Hydrogen storage, transport and distribution V Hydrogen transformation VI Hydrogen Transformation and VII Hydrogen Applications
Hours of Lecture: 515
Type of Assessment: The Comte de Rius Institute as well as other vocational training centers in Somorrostro, Barcelona and Huesca are actively participating in this master's degree.
The theme of the Master is structured in the following blocks: I Hydrogen market II Basic knowledge III Generation of the H2 IV Hydrogen storage, transport and distribution V Hydrogen transformation VI Hydrogen Transformation and VII Hydrogen Applications