June 28th 2024

Master in Energy

Type of training: Master
Name of the Organisation: Université de la Réunion
Location of the organisation: Saint Pierre
Language(s): French
Is the programme entirely focused on hydrogen and/or fuel cells: No
Focus of the training: H2 Production, Regulations, Codes and Standards, Techno-economic evaluation, H2 Storage, Transport and Distribution, H2 End-uses: transport
Course title: Energie appliquée - convertisseurs
Hours of Lecture: 30
Course title: Acteurs de l'énergie - Cadres réglementaires et législatif
Hours of Lecture: 30
Course title: EnR - Technologies PV et éoliennes
Hours of Lecture: 30
Course title: Diagnostic basé signaux - Systèmes PEMFC et E-PEM
Hours of Lecture: 30
Course title: Gestion de l'énergie des les réseaux électriques - Smartgrids - hybridation
Hours of Lecture: 30