June 28th 2024

GrEnoble eNerGy conversIoN & storagE (ENGINE)

Type of training: Summer School
Name of the Organisation: Université Grenoble Alpes
Location of the organisation: Grenoble
Language(s): English
Is the programme entirely focused on hydrogen and/or fuel cells: No
Focus of the training: Basic electrochemistry, H2 Production, H2 Storage, Transport and Distribution, H2 End-uses: transport, Life-Cycle Assessment, eco-design, recycling
Target audience for the training :

Open to all PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, technicians, researchers from academia and industry fields interested in materials science and electrochemistry for energy storage applications.

How is training taught?: In person
Materials / Infrastructures:Infrastructure visits
Duration of the training: Between a day and a week
Recognition of the training: Certificate of attendance and for posters / ECTS for PhD doctoral school
Is the programme complimentary?: No
If the programme is not complementary, how much does it cost?: Between 300€ and 600€ + taxes depending on the audience type