June 28th 2024

Bachelor in Renewable Energy

Type of training: Bachelor
Name of the Organisation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Location of the organisation: Trondheim
Language(s): English
Is the programme entirely focused on hydrogen and/or fuel cells: No
Focus of the training: Basic electrochemistry, H2 Production, H2 Storage, Transport and Distribution, H2 End-uses: transport, H2 End-uses: energy, power generation, H2 End-uses: buildings, H2 End-uses: industry, Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards, Life-Cycle Assessment, eco-design, recycling, Techno-economic evaluation
Materials / Infrastructures:Books / E-Books, Handbooks, Slides, Handouts, Notes, E-Learning Tools e.g. MOOCs, Labs (physical or virtual)
Is the programme complimentary?: complimentary
Course title: Energy storage (for sustainable energy systems)
Hours of Lecture: 30
Type of Assessment: Lectures, compulsory tutorials, and compulsory laboratory exercises.

5 of 8 tutorials and 1 of 1 laboratory exercise must be approved before the candidate can take the exam.
Course title: Hydrogen Technology, Fuel Cells, Batteries and Solar Cells
Hours of Lecture: 30
Type of Assessment: Examination arrangement: Home examination
Grade: Letters
Course title: Hydrogen in transportation for a safe and sustainable future
Hours of Lecture: 30
Type of Assessment: 100% written assessment
Course title: Renewable hydrogen (RH2) for a cleaner and better society
Hours of Lecture: 30
Type of Assessment: 100% written examination