Hydrogen Valleys
For the latest information on Hydrogen Valleys in Europe and in the world, please visit the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform.
This platform is dedicated to all current and future hydrogen project developers. It will help you to gather meaningful information from experienced peers and will promote collaboration among one another. On top of that, the Platform strives to underline the core value add of hydrogen as an energy vector to inform all relevant stakeholders who support the development of hydrogen projects.
On the Hydrogen Valley map, you can click on the pins to learn more about each valley or use the search field to find specific valleys, e.g. by country or name. You will also find an extensive list of all Hydrogen Valleys currently represented on this platform below the map. Click on "View more" to get a more detailed overview of the chosen project. If you would like to get in touch with a project, use the Matchmaking section to contact the Hydrogen Valley directly. If you are interested in a deep dive into the challenges and barriers that Hydrogen Valleys are facing and how they are tackling them, please visit the Best Practices section.
The information provided in this section is based on a comprehensive survey conducted among the most advanced Hydrogen Valleys globally. For an aggregate view on the project landscape and more insights regarding project development, funding, technologies deployed and much more, please visit the Analysis section.