Main indicators
Electrolyser capacity
4 GW
Replacement of grey with green H2 in industry
FCEV buses
Light and heavy-duty vehicles for transport of goods
Commercial train lines powered by FCEV


Hoja de Ruta del HidrĂ³geno: Una apuesta por el HidrĂ³geno Renovable

The objectives of the strategy are for hydrogen to play a role in greenhouse gas emissions reduction, launch the hydrogen value-chain rollout, increase the percentage of renewable energy sources in the energy system and improve the management of electricity system, while also improving energy import dependence. The focus of the strategy is solely on green hydrogen production.



To support the production of green hydrogen a regulatory framework for PtX technologies will be established, environmental impact assessments for small scale production will be simplified, as well as the procedures for direct lines for hydrogen production. The possibility to produce hydrogen from waste will be also evaluated.



For infrastructure, the regulatory requirements for hydrogen blending and storage will be revised. Evaluations will be carried for the need to modify end-use equipment both for industrial users and domestic ones.



Large scale electrolysers manufacturing (100 MW) will be supported. The national automotive industry will be supported in the production of FCEV.



Research and development will be supported across the entire value-chain for hydrogen, but focus will be given on hydrogen use in cogeneration, recycling of components, and hydrogen turbines. An exclusive line for financing for renewable hydrogen under national RDI plan will be developed.



An analysis will be carried on indirect taxation impact on renewable hydrogen. On certification, the strategy foresees participation in international standardisation bodies and development of a guarantee of origin system within the EU. For hard-to-abate sectors, long term decarbonisation strategies will be developed based on green hydrogen. Identification and support for hydrogen valleys is foreseen. On public awareness, information points for hydrogen will be created for the general public and technical knowledge and manuals will be developed for public sector, first aid responders and technicians. Green hydrogen production will be supported as tool to reduce rural depopulation. Lastly, international cooperation will be fomented with neighbouring countries.




For road mobility, hydrogen specific legislation will be adopted, targeting among others, enabling green hydrogen production on-site and hydrogen refuelling points in traditional refuelling stations. The deployment of refuelling stations will be supported through existing funding programmes. Additional plans for purchase of vehicles and deployment of infrastructure will be developed. For railroad mobility, a study will be carried on the replacement of diesel locomotives with FCEV locomotives on non-electrified routes and a plan will be made for hydrogen refuelling stations across the national railway system. For maritime, rules on homologation will be clarified and measures enabling the deployment of hydrogen technologies and refuelling stations in ports will be developed. For aviation, Sustainable Aviation Fuels production plants will be supported as well as their use and deployment.


The transition from grey hydrogen to renewable will be financially supported for industry.


A change in the regulatory framework to allow the participation of Power-to-X facilities in the energy market services will be made and the use of green hydrogen in generation and co-generation plants will be promoted.