Polska Strategia Wodorowa do Roku 2030 z Perspektywą do Roku 2040
The Polish hydrogen strategy aims to set the vision for the entire hydrogen value-chain in Poland with priority sectors for hydrogen being the energy sector, transportation and industry. Focus is also given to production of hydrogen with both green and low-carbon hydrogen being considered.
As for hydrogen production, the logic is to integrate production in locations closer to consumption and available energy sources. All low-carbon production pathways are considered, such as electrolytic hydrogen, biomass gasification, SMR with CCS/CCU, etc. Additionally, the legal regime to produce hydrogen from nuclear energy will be set.
In relation to transmission, distribution and storage, priority is given to safety, as infrastructure development should be preceded by hazard analysis. The energy legislation will be adapted for hydrogen production and transport activities. A feasibility study on the possibility to build a “Hydrogen Highway” from the north to south of the country will be carried out. The strategy also foresees blending of hydrogen in the natural gas system.
Research, development and commissioning pilot projects will be carried out in relation to co-generation and poly-generation plants where hydrogen is the primary fuel, as well as low-carbon hydrogen production technologies.
The strategy intends to foster the development of manufacturing capacities for the entire hydrogen value-chain i.e. electrolysers, pyrolysis plants, hydrogen powered buses, locomotives, passenger vehicles and components.
To implement the strategy, the Ministry of Energy will conclude a Polish Hydrogen Agreement with industrial interested parties, which will be a tailored package of measures for the hydrogen sector. The development of five hydrogen valleys will be coordinated nationally. Lastly, the government will carry out a public awareness campaign for hydrogen technologies.
For mobility, priority is given to construction of refuelling stations in densely populated areas for buses and rail transport, as well as on TEN-T corridors. Specific actions include the development of hydrogen refuelling and bunkering infrastructure, replacement of diesel locomotives with hydrogen-powered ones and change of applicable legislation to enable construction of HRS and use of hydrogen in transport.
For the industry, the focus is on of use of low-carbon hydrogen in the petrochemical, chemical and fertiliser industries, through industrial hydrogen valleys. The goal being to set-up 5 hydrogen valleys. Pilot projects are envisaged for hard-to-abate sectors.
Energy and Heating
In relation to the heating and power sectors, the main focus in the first five years is on research and development. This includes research on co-firing of hydrogen in gas turbines, creation and commissioning of co-generation and poly-generation systems, use of hydrogen as storage.