Regjeringens hydrogenstrategi på vei mot lavutslippssamfunnet
The strategy is developed in the context of transitioning to low-emission society, where hydrogen can be part of the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors and contribute for the competitiveness of the Norwegian economy. The strategy considers both renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, focusing on green growth and on value creation where national hydrogen companies have an advantage. Relevant applications for hydrogen considered are maritime and heavy-duty transport, as well as industrial processes.
Support for hydrogen production will be mainly through development and demonstration projects, researching more efficient ways to produce hydrogen.
On the issue of hydrogen exports, both pipeline and ship exports to Europe are considered. An alternative to be investigated is the export of natural gas towards Europe, with hydrogen production on site with CCS and import of CO2.
Research activities will focus on achieving low-emissions society, but specifically more efficient electrolysis plants are highlighted.
Considering the development stage of hydrogen technologies, pilot and demonstration projects that contribute to technological development and commercialisation will be supported, targeted sectors are maritime, road transport and industry. Significant focus on safety is also placed, therefore regulations and standards will be developed internationally and nationally for use of hydrogen-based systems. Project involving all parts of the hydrogen value-chain will be supported. Hydrogen could also be used for electricity generation and mobility in the armed forces. Investigation on social aspects of hydrogen will also be carried out.
Support for mobility applications comes in the form of application of equal rules for FCEV mobility and BEV mobility. Public procurement is seen as an important tool to support hydrogen technologies deployment. Aid for hydrogen refuelling stations is foreseen only in the early stages of development and afterwards deployment of such should be on market basis. A special focus is placed on zero emissions solutions in shipping, where development and implementation of new technologies and solutions is key. A survey of ferry routes will be carried out for the application of low and zero emission technologies. For road transport funding for development and testing will be available to increase end-user knowledge. Once hydrogen in heavy-duty vehicles is a mature enough technology, support will be made available.
Support will be provided for hydrogen technology development in industry.