Main indicators
Electrolysis capacity by 2030
1.3 GW
Green hydrogen production 2030
129000 t/year
Hydrogen Refuelling Stations
Green hydrogen in ammonia production


Lithuania – Vandenilio plėtros Lietuvoje 2024–2050 m. gairės

The Guidelines for Hydrogen Development in Lithuania 2024-2050 have the goal to provide strategic direction for the creation of a green hydrogen ecosystem and infrastructure, that will reduce the country’s energy dependence and GHG emissions. Low-carbon hydrogen is not considered under the Guidelines, as it will contribute to the increase of energy dependence. 



By 2030, the target set is for production of at least 129,000 tons of renewable hydrogen per year from 1.3 GW of electrolytic production capacity. Financial support for production of renewable hydrogen will be continued, with priority for production from indigenous sources. A pilot project for synthetic methane will be started. After assessment, the requirements for production of renewable hydrogen will be simplified. The guidelines foresee also the development of safety standards.



One of the key hydrogen transport projects is the Finland-Germany pipeline, which will pass through Lithuania and provide opportunities for export and underground storage of hydrogen in other countries. The prospects for hydrogen storage in other countries will be evaluated. Hydrogen blending is considered as a transitional measure, to be limited to 10 % due to the high costs of adapting gas infrastructure and consumer equipment. Until 2027 implementing a pilot project for blending is planned. The possibilities of using synthetic methane as long-term hydrogen storage will be examined.



The legal framework for production, transport and storage and use of hydrogen will be developed. One hydrogen valley will be established, with a potential second one. International cooperation will be focused on well-developed regional hydrogen transportation and storage infrastructure and attraction of manufacturers of high added value equipment. Focus will be also placed on increase of knowledge of various groups of society about the safe operation and use of hydrogen and derivatives.



Five promising areas of scientific research and experimental activities of green hydrogen and/or its derivatives will be identified, and focus will be placed to ensure their continuous financing.




In mobility, production and acquisition of hydrogen-powered vehicles and development of hydrogen filling infrastructure will be promoted, as well as use of green synthetic fuels in new areas of transport. Until 2026 at least two cities should start using green hydrogen in public transport, and by 2030 in five cities, part of the public vehicles (at least 30 buses) could use green hydrogen. By 2030 at least 10 HRS will be developed with at least one for the maritime sector. The first project for production of green hydrogen and the installation of a HRS for loading equipment and ships is already being implemented in Klaipėda State Seaport.


The primary hydrogen offtaker in Lithuania will be the fertiliser industry, with at least 41% of ammonia needed for fertilizer production to come from green hydrogen by 2030. Following that is refining. Hydrogen could potentially also be used in other industrial processes requiring high and stable temperatures (glass, cement production, etc.) to replace natural gas.


In the energy sector, ensuring interoperability between hydrogen and electricity is prioritised. Legal basis and mechanism for providing flexibility services to the power system using flexible production of green hydrogen by electrolysis will be established. Pilot electricity-to-gas and gas-to-electricity projects will be created. Hydrogen‘s role as a fuel for electricity production, will be evaluated. The broadest application of green hydrogen in the energy sector could be the use of excess electricity from RES to take advantage of low or negative electricity market prices.


In the heating sector, hydrogen and the green synthetic fuel can be used where a large part of the heat is produced using natural gas. If the use of electricity or other more efficient technologies is not feasible, the possibilities of adapting the heat sector to use of hydrogen will be assessed. Wider use of hydrogen in the heating is not foreseen. When planning the production of hydrogen by electrolysis, the possibilities of using waste heat will be evaluated.