Main indicators
Electrolysis capacity
240 MW
Low-carbon H2 production
20,000 t/year
Green and other carbon-free sources production
16,000 t/year
Hydrogen demand in transport
Blending in natural gas system
Min. 2%


Magyarország Nemzeti Hidrogénstratégiája

The focus of the strategy is on green and low-carbon hydrogen production for use in industry and mobility. It also focuses on development of electrolyser manufacturing capacities through international partnerships with view on Central and Eastern European markets.



The focus within the strategy is on development of low-carbon production capacities with the view to satisfy demand in industry and mobility. The promotion of CCS technologies and establishment of a regulatory framework is mentioned several times. Production of green hydrogen is foreseen with a target of 240MW of electrolysis capacity by 2030, mainly powered by solar PV, but also not excluding the option to use nuclear energy and grid electricity.



Based on the lack of hydrogen storage potential, the strategy focuses on the use of natural gas infrastructure for storage, starting with a pilot project, but with the target of minimum of 2% of blending. The promotion of above-ground storage solutions for indsutry is also anticipated.



As a strategic goal in the medium term, is to increase electrolyser manufacturing capacity, based on licensing in cooperation with international partners. Support should be focused on SMEs for production, manufacturing and development. International cooperation is to be focused on access to external markets. Lastly, cooperation with domestic automotive manufacturers is also foreseen in the field of hydrogen technologies.



Cross-cutting measures include the establishment of a National Hydrogen Technology Laboratory and dissemination of information among the general public to increase public acceptance of hydrogen technologies. Lastly, the establishment of two hydrogen valleys is foreseen in Transdanubia and in the north-east of the country.




For the mobility sector, the focus of the strategy is on heavy-duty vehicles, such as waste truck collection and city buses, which will be promoted under the Green Bus Programme, local mobility programmes and Green Truck project.


The main consumption of low-carbon hydrogen is expected to take place in the petrochemical and chemical industries (primarily ammonia production). Additionally, it is expected that industrial heat demand could be met with hydrogen, especially for the cement, and iron and steel industries.


For the energy sector, the strategy envisions a pilot project for co-firing natural gas with hydrogen in closed-cycle gas turbines and the introduction of hydrogen applications in the functioning of the electricity market, more specifically in relation to flexibility services.