Main indicators
Electrolyser capacity 2030
6.5 GW


Stratégie nationale pour le développement de l’hydrogène décarboné en France

The French strategy is organised according to the three objectives: 
-    installation of enough electrolysers to make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the economy; 
-    development of clean mobility, particularly for heavy vehicles;
-    building an industrial sector in France that creates jobs and guarantees technological mastery.
Furthermore it establishes three priority actions: 
-    decarbonize industry by developing a French electrolysis industry;
-    develop heavy-duty mobility using low-carbon hydrogen;
-    supporting research, innovation and skills development to foster tomorrow's hydrogen uses.



The key target for produciton of hydrogen is of 6.5 GW of electrolysis capacity installed by 2030. The tools proposed to develop the French hydrogen production sector will support high-capacity projects to increase demand and scale-up to profitability.



The strategy proposes support for pooling demand in the industry and mobility sectors, through territorial hydrogen hubs.



To remain a leader in the field, R&D efforts in the hydrogen sector will be supported, specifically on innovation and industrialisation of new technologies. Additionally, the government will support campuses with pedagogical training on engineering and development of new curricula for schools, higher education and companies.




The priority in the strategy is development of hydrogen heavy-duty mobility, specifically for captive fleets covering long distances in just-in-time operations, such as light commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, buses, waste truck collection, regional or inter-regional trains in non-electrified areas. The tools to support this priority will enable the production of reliable vehicles, high-performance and upgradable equipment and development of skills to produce and maintain vehicle fleets.


In relation to industry the aim is to replace fossil fuel-based production processes to hydrogen use in refining (fuel desulphurization), chemicals (ammonia and methanol production) and electronics and food processing, where hydrogen is used in smaller quantities. Some of the tools proposed in the strategy include a mechanism to support hydrogen greening projects in the refining sector; -    introduction of a guarantee of origin mechanism to enhance the value of decarbonized hydrogen compared with hydrogen produced from fossil fuels and development of a "remuneration top-up" type support scheme to provide investment and operating support following calls for tenders.