Hrvatska Strategija za Vodik do 2050. godine
The national strategy of Croatia aims to provide a framework for low-carbon hydrogen production, with focus on renewable hydrogen, for the substitution of fossil-fuels and better integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity system. The strategy is organised in four strategic areas: hydrogen production; storage and transport of hydrogen; use of hydrogen, and education, research and innovation.
Until 2026 production of hydrogen will be linked primarily to mobility and industry, as off-takers in these sectors (refineries and petrochemical plants) are prepared for renewable hydrogen. Until 2030 the main objective is to guarantee sufficient renewable hydrogen for feedstock for industrial processes. After 2030 and 2040, it is expected that hydrogen demand will increase, therefore the goal is to ensure that production of renewable hydrogen meets the national needs.
In the first phase of development, it is expected that infrastructure needs will be limited as production will take place near demand sites, with hydrogen blending occurring in certain areas. In the second phase, hydrogen infrastructure is expected to transport hydrogen for industrial applications, mobility and heating in buildings, as well as being used for electricity system balancing.
Research and development will focus is on increasing efficiency in hydrogen production and storage and the development and improvement of new hydrogen production methods. In education, the focus will be on integration of new educational programmes focusing on hydrogen technologies and development of a lifelong learning concept, as well as bringing hydrogen knowledge to the general public.
The use of hydrogen for mobility is seen as priority, with market development to start with thourgh public procurement and the development of a network of refuelling stations linked to large city centres. As a start 10 hydrogen refuelling stations are estimated to be necessary to kickstart hydrogen mobility.
In the industry sector, the focus is on replacement of fossil-fuels with green hydrogen and use of hydrogen in industries that require large amounts of high temperature thermal energy.
The strategy recognises the role of hydrogen for heating, once the development of a distribution network is realised.
Back-up power
The strategy envisages the role of hydrogen technologies for back-up power systems for both military and civil uses, as hydrogen can provide back-up power, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.