Get latest insights into break-even prices (BEP) of renewable hydrogen by end-use in Europe (EU27, EFTA and UK).

This datastream provides data on the break-even prices of renewable hydrogen for the following end-uses:

  1. Maritime applications
  2. Primary steel making
  3. Heavy-duty trucks
  4. Oil refining

In addition to the overview page, the menu in the left sidebar provides the ability to view more granular data for the various end uses at the country or application level.

Reference year is 2022 and 2023 for all end-uses, except heavy-duty trucks. The reference year of heavy-duty trucks is 2023 and 2024.

Available resources

Break-even prices of renewable hydrogen 2023.xlsx English (495 KB - XLSX)
Break-even prices of renewable hydrogen 2022.xlsx (536 KB - XLSX)