The project Tecnopropia is executed by H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies, SL. H2B2 is a technological company that designs, builds, and operates hydrogen production facilities including the transport and sale of hydrogen. Founded in 2016, the business is a highly attractive market, providing access to a well-established brand with a privileged positioning due to i) a unique management team with extensive experience in the H2 production, ii) proven technology.

Within the project, the H2B2 "Tecnopropia" initiative is oriented towards two fundamental areas: the development of more efficient electrolysis technology (which reduces the electrical consumption of the electrolysers and, therefore, the operating cost of hydrogen production) and the construction of new electrolysers. manufacturing facilities, with the idea of increasing the company's production capacity (which will reduce the cost of the electrolysers and, therefore, the investment cost of a hydrogen production plant). These two factors together will facilitate the reduction of the cost per kilogram of hydrogen produced and, consequently, will help to achieve the European objectives in this regard.

In "Tecnopropia", H2B2 collaborates with numerous research centers and Spanish universities in the development of technology in an R+D+i plan that has been validated by the European Commission; the manufacturing facilities will be developed in Seville, Spain and will be ready by 2026.