
On February 2021 Schlumberger SA (now called SLB) and CEA Investissement SA, subsidiary of the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (“CEA”) created, with Vinci Construction Invest SAS, Vicat SA and AREC Innovation SAS, investment structure of the Agence Régionale Énergie Climat (now called ARIS) in Occitanie region, a joint-venture company, Genvia SAS, to bring about the technical development and industrial deployment of the highly efficient Solid Oxide technology developed by the CEA. Genvia is a Clean Hydrogen Technology Venture created to meet the decarbonization challenge by accelerating affordable clean hydrogen production and fuel applications at scale.

The Genvia IPCEI Project has for objective the development and optimization of the Solid Oxide technology by developing a manufacturing pilot line in 2021-2024 and implementing in 2025-2027 the First Industrial Deployment (FID) of a large-scale factory for the manufacture of high temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysers and Fuel Cells. Genvia products will be fully digitally enabled and aligned with the European ambition to build an EU Open Hydrogen Data Hub. The Genvia IPCEI Project is part of the Hydrogen Technologies IPCEI focused on the Technical Field 1 – Electrolysers (TF1) and Technical Field 2 – Fuel Cells. The project will anchor mass production of the next generation of these key enabling technologies of the hydrogen value chain in Europe. This in turn opens opportunities for use cases in a significant number of different industry sectors and will spawn a robust supply chain.

The factory will be located in Béziers (Occitanie region, France). Genvia has a clear roadmap and tight milestones for the development and industrialization of its solid oxide technologies and will provide innovative early solutions aligned with the growth of the hydrogen economy. This roadmap sees Genvia create strategic alliances in different sectors, together with the building of a factory expected to start in 2027. The factory provides production capacity to meet the gigawatt demand for electrolysers and fuel cells which is anticipated to accelerate through 2030 and beyond.
Contact person: Julia Abellaneda, via